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Welcome to the simplechatbot Python package!

See the examples in the navbar to the left!


pip install git+ssh://

When inside the package directory: Basic install:

pip install .

This package uses buildtools - see pyproject.toml for package details.


You can also use make.

To install:

make install
make uninstall


Basic importing works as you would expect.

import simplechatbot

To support backwards compatibility, I also keep old versions in the main module titled vN where N is the version number. You can change the imports to look like the following.

import simplechatbot.v4 as simplechatbot

Generating Documentation

The Makefile has most of these commands, but including them here jsut in case.

pip install mkdocs
pip install mkdocs-material

Start Test Server

mkdocs serve

Build the documentation.

mkdocs build

Publish the documation

mkdocs gh-deploy --force

Example Documentation

In the Makefile I included the commands that will take example jupyter notebooks and convert them to markdown so that mkdocs can eventually convert them to html for the website. Simply add a notebook to the site_examples folder and it will be automatically converted to markdown and placed in the right folder.

EXAMPLE_NOTEBOOK_FOLDER = ./site_examples/# this is where example notebooks are stored
EXAMPLE_NOTEBOOK_MARKDOWN_FOLDER = ./docs/examples/# this is where example notebooks are stored

    jupyter nbconvert --to markdown $(EXAMPLE_NOTEBOOK_FOLDER)/*.ipynb